Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Breast cancer charity in UK

If you are keen to join the fight against breast cancer, you can make a big difference when you join as a volunteer for a breast cancer charity organization. A breast cancer charity organization not only helps the breast cancer patients, but they also fund research initiatives to find a cure for breast cancer. It has been estimated that one in every ten women will develop breast cancer in the future. Breast cancer charity organizations are aware of this growth and are striving hard to curb this fatal disease.

You can help several breast cancer charity organizations by raising vital funds for their life-saving work by organising fundraising activities, making a donations or shopping with them. Breast cancer organizations organize fundraising activities from time to time. If you feel that you have a better idea for the fund raising activities, then you can convey it to the administrative authorities of the breast cancer organizations. Breast cancer can be totally curable if it is detected early. Women need to be given the basic training of self breast examination to identify early signs of breast cancer. The breast cancer charity organizations are organizing medical camps all over the UK to educate women on the symptoms of breast cancer.

The breast cancer charity organizations have set up counselling centres that give the right advice at right time. The treatment for breast cancer is very expensive and not all women are in a position to afford it. Breast cancer charity organizations have been doing a fantastic job in providing financial and psychological support to breast cancer patients.

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Previous post : Volunteer charity work in UK

Volunteer charity work in UK

If you care for the underprivileged and downtrodden, you can become a volunteer for a charity organization and make a huge difference.

Most charity volunteer work is concentrated in the rural areas or the countryside, but these days there are several social problems occurring in the urban areas as well. A typical charity volunteer dedicates his or her time and energy to improve the lives of people who are affected by disease and poverty. Most charity organizations have a holistic approach to charity, but there are some local charity groups that would concentrate only on a section of the society. For example, you can find a local cancer charity organization that raise funds for cancer patients.

The charity organization volunteers are people from all walks of life. You will also find doctors and lawyers among the volunteers of these charity organizations. Each volunteer is assigned a specific task in the charity organization. Senior volunteers help the junior volunteers in all the processes so that they can be future leaders. If you are unable to devote full time to charity organizations, you can even work with them on a part time basis.

To support the charity organization does not mean that you have to attend all the fundraising events. You can also participate in several events through the Internet. For a volunteer it is very important to spread the charity event news to the general public. There are several dormant charity volunteers who work from remote places and still continue with their current jobs.

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Previous post : Charity for Cancer Patients, by Bonita Trust