Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Charity for Cancer Patients, by Bonita Trust

Bonita Trust tries its best to work for betterment of human race and bring some relief to people’s lives by helping them in every way. Its been working on a project for those people who are living with cancer. As we all know, cancer is one of the dangerous threats that even can claim human lives. But those who survive and fight cancer, others need to take a lesson from them. There are several research centers and organizations set up to aid such people and help them in every way.

Research centers work on eradicating the disease while the organizations work to support the patient and its care taker. Bonita Trust provides funds to such cancer support charities in the UK, as an initiative. MacMillan is one such charitable organization which functions in expanding their virtual e-learning Learn Zone. It is a website which assists in critical cancer related learning resources to people living with cancer and to the Macmillan organization too.

Bonita Trust provides financial aid to Macmillan so that it works for the betterment of people living with cancer. Macmillan works in providing cancer awareness in the Great Britain and excels in it.

Philanthropy Charity in Gibraltar encourages students to face social responsibility by actively participating in charity projects and working for community development.

Plus, LearnZone, being a product of Macmillan, helps people to gain knowledge about cancer, its types, its curability, and its symptoms and so on. The group of Macmillan, Bonita and LearnZone altogether has benefited over thousands of lives of the people surviving with cancer, In the UK.